
Site news

Jun 14, 2024

Dr. Diego Pallarola (INS-UNSAM, Argentina) is carrying out a one-month research stay in our laboratories, thanks to the MSCA-RISE BioTUNE project, led by Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno. During his stay, Dr. Pallarola has offered a talk about his research to all members of the group.

Jul 08, 2024

Dr. David Piñera defended his doctoral thesis "Development of antibacterial, antiresorptive and osteogenic gallium and silver doped titanium implants", co-directed by Prof. José María Manero and Dr. Judit Buxadera, on July 5th, 2024, at EEBE, before an international jury.

Jul 15, 2024

Dr. Anna Díez-Escudero has been busy in recent months with activities to disseminate her research in 3D printing and biomaterials for bone regeneration. In May, at I Jornada Personal Científico Joven CIBER, in June at IV Bioimpresión 3D: tecnología emergente en la frontera entre la biomedicina y la ingeniería course and in July at the Share & Connect Event on 3D Printing and Biomaterials.