Intense outreah activity in 3D printing by Dr. Anna Díez-Escudero

Jul 15, 2024

Dr. Anna Díez-Escudero has been busy in recent months with activities to disseminate her research in 3D printing and biomaterials for bone regeneration. In May, at I Jornada Personal Científico Joven CIBER, in June at IV Bioimpresión 3D: tecnología emergente en la frontera entre la biomedicina y la ingeniería course and in July at the Share & Connect Event on 3D Printing and Biomaterials.

Outreach, training and dissemination are in the core of the BBT's activities since its creation. Dr. Anna Díez-Escudero is one of the assets in this activity, which is why she has been very busy in recent months spreading her knowledge about 3D printing and biomaterials throughout the country.

In May, she attended I Jornada Personal Científico Joven CIBER (Vigo, 8-10th May 2024, Spain), where she ended up among the three groups selected for the best collaborative project.

In June, she taught a seminar within the IV Bioimpresión 3D: tecnología emergente en la frontera entre la biomedicina y la ingeniería, a course organized by Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (18-21st Junye, 2024, Spain) on the "Desarrollo de modelos biomórficos por impresión 3D basados en fosfatos cálcicos".

Finally, a week ago she participated as a guest speaker at the Share & Connect Conference on 3D Printing and Biomaterials in Health, jointly organized by XARTEC Salut and XARFA in Barcelona, ​​on July 10th, 2024. There, she presented the different technologies of the BBT, which is part of both Innovation networks of Generalitat de Catalunya.