Jordi Guillem-Martí, research stay at Hinck's lab at the University of Pittsburgh

May 23, 2024

Dr. Jordi Guillem-Martí, María Zambrano researcher at BBT, has just returned from a research stay at Hinck's lab at the University of Pittsburgh (USA), to carry on his project "Structural characterization of computationally designed mini protein binders against BMP receptors".

Jordi Guillem-Martí, currently a María Zambrano grantee at the BBT and soon to become a Ramón y Cajal Fellow, has just returned from the University of Pittsburgh (USA), where he performed a research stay aimed at learning methods for characterizing protein-protein interactions at Prof. Andrew Hinck’s lab, a professor expert in structural biology and NMR. He has characterized the proteins he previously designed during a research stay at Prof. David Baker’s lab (UW, USA) in complex with their target receptors.

Durinig his stay, from March 1st to May 21st, 2024, , he has employed methods for purifying cell membrane receptors, NMR and protein crystallography.