David Piñera, PhD in Biomedical Engineering by UPC

Jul 08, 2024

Dr. David Piñera defended his doctoral thesis "Development of antibacterial, antiresorptive and osteogenic gallium and silver doped titanium implants", co-directed by Prof. José María Manero and Dr. Judit Buxadera, on July 5th, 2024, at EEBE, before an international jury.

David Piñera defended his doctoral thesis "Development of antibacterial, antiresorptive and osteogenic gallium and silver doped titanium implants", co-directed by Prof. José María Manero and Dr. Judit Buxadera, on July 5th, 2024, at the EEBE, before an international jury.

The thesis was rated excellent, pending the decision of the Cum Laude by the members of the jury, which consisted of Dr. José Luis Gómez Ribelles (UPV), Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (UPC) and Dr. Cristina González (UGLA).

During the completion of his doctoral thesis, Dr. Piñera spent 3 months (February-May 2023) at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Dalby. During this time, he was in charge of carrying on the "Evaluation of the surface competition and interaction between stem cells and bacteria on titanium implants coated with functional metal ions". Subsequently, he completed a second stay of 3 months (February-May 2024) at  Instituto de Nanosistemas of UNSAM (Argentina), where he carried out research related to the BioTUNE project, specifically the "Development of multifunctional sensors for real time monitoring of cell and bacterial response" in collaboration with Dr. Diego Pallarola.