Dr. Diego Pallarola is in a 1-month secondment at BBT

Jun 14, 2024

Dr. Diego Pallarola (INS-UNSAM, Argentina) is carrying out a one-month research stay in our laboratories, thanks to the MSCA-RISE BioTUNE project, led by Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno. During his stay, Dr. Pallarola has offered a talk about his research to all members of the group.

Dr. Diego Pallarola is doing a one-month stay at the BBT, thanks to the MSCA-RISE project BioTUNE: Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants, led by Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno.

Dr. Pallarola is Assistant Researcher of CONICET at Insituto de Nanosistemas (INSof UNSAM, in Argentina. He holds a doctorate and a degree in Chemical Sciences from UBA and completed his postdoctoral studies at INIFTA (La Plata, Argentina) and Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligent Systeme (Stuttgart, Germany). The researcher focuses his research on the development of biosensor devices based on optical and electrochemical measurements for bioanalytical and biomedical applications, as a member of the LBA research group "Laboratorio de Biosensores avanzados" at the INS.

During his stay, Dr. Pallarola has offered a talk about his research to all members of the group, among other activities.