Scientific Goals
The BBT’s main scientific goal is the development of biomaterials for tissue and organs regeneration/functional repair. This approach requires the design of materials which can modulate the response of the receiving tissue, leading in some cases to the regeneration and neoformation of the degraded tissues and, in others, to a perfect integration of the biomaterial and to the recovery of the lost functionality.

Cèl·lula sobre fosfat de calci. © Sergio del Valle

Alineament cel·lular en titani mecanitzat. © Jordi Guillem
The approach to this objective is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring both knowledge and a very careful physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of the materials, as well as the study of the interactions of the materials with the biological enitites that will constitute the boundary conditions in service at different levels -proteins, cells and tissues-. In this sense, it is particularly relevant the use of techniques of surface characterization of the materials and the study of the effect of these properties in the biological response. This approach involves a multidisciplinary approach to the problem, being essential to create a bridge between two differenciated fields of knowledge, such as materials science and biomedicine, with a continuous and stable interaction, based on the interdisciplinary of the members of group .
Cèl·lules mare sobre titani funcionalitzat. © Roberta Fraioli
Tinció histològica H&E d'una infiltració limfocítica. © Mònica Ortiz
Moreover, the research conducted by the BBT aims to cover both basic science regarding the characterization of the interactions between biological entities and the developed materials, but also technological aspects to be transferred to companies in the biomedical sector .
Maria-Pau Ginebra, Scientific Director of BBT