Marta Pegueroles, research stay at the Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center

Jun 13, 2024

Dr. Marta Pegueroles is currently on a 3-months research stay at the Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center (Edelman's lab) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston (US).

Dr. Marta Pegueroles is performing a 3-month research stay at the Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center (Edelman's lab) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston (US).

During the stay, she will be working with Prof. Elazer Edelman and Dr. Mercedes Balcells-Camps' group with the goal to biologically evaluate endothelialization and thrombogenicity of 3D-printed polymeric stents in vitro using modified bioreactors simulating arteries under real physiological conditions.

Dr. Pegueroles will be in Boston from 06/01/2024 to 08/31/2024, both included.