The Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Research Group (BBT), with Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra as Research Director, is part of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (CEM) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
The BBT’s main scientific goal is the development of biomaterials for tissue and organs regeneration/functional repair, from a basic scientific approach to an applied point of view, by transferring the generated knowledge to bio companies and hospitals.

Tània Vilella, a PhD student at BBT and CIEFMA, and Jan Grzelak, a postdoctoral researcher working at ERC BAMBBI project, are currently undertaking two research stays in Sweden and the UK,...
Tània Vilella and Jan Grzelak carry out two research stays in Sweden and the UK -
BBT PhD student Patricia López wins 2nd Prize in the "Present your thesis in 3 minutes" competition, organized by Unite! Doctoral School in the context of the XI Unite! Dialogue, held in Barcelona...
Patricia López wins II Prize at the "Present your thesis in 3 minutes" competition -
Daniel Cabrerizo and Sílvia Gómez, both PhD students at BBT, have obtained Fund Seed funding from the Unite! Foundation to implement their project "EmpowerAI: Inclusive pathways to digital learning",...
Two BBT students secure funding to implement new learning paths using Artificial Intelligence tools -
Once the final resolution of the AGAUR 2024 Indústria del Coneixement grants call has been published, we can confirm that two projects presented by BBT researchers have been chosen to receive funding.
AGAUR's Indústria del Coneixement call supports two BBT projects -
Lluis Oliver Cervelló has been awarded by the UPC with the 2024 Extraordinary Doctoral Award (for the 2021/2022 promotion) in the field of Industrial Engineering.
Lluis Oliver receives UPC's Extraordinary Doctoral Award 2024 -
Recently, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) has published the final resolution for the granting of funding for the PID 2023 call. Among the funded projects, we find "DYNAMIC: Multifunctional...
BBT researchers obtain funding for the development of innovative and intelligent biomaterials with regenerative and antimicrobial properties
To know more about some of our projects:
ENABLE - Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo de injertos óseos osteoinductivos y antimicrobianos
con altas prestaciones. Projecte R+D+i Destacat AEI.
New Papers
- T. Canceill et al. Analyzing the Clinical Potential of Cold Atmospheric Plasma in Dentistry as an Alternative to Antibiotic Therapy. Comment on Gross et al. Guided Plasma Application in Dentistry – An Alternative to Antibiotic Therapy. Antibiotics
- S.G. Gómez et al. Synergistic Dual Ag/Cu Ion Implantation to Enhance Antimicrobial Defense on Boston Keratoprosthesis. Biomaterials Research
- S. Colombi et al. Stabilizing Semi-Interpenetrated Alginate/Pedot Hydrogels via Glyoxal-Mediated Covalent Crosslinks for Water Steam Generation. Advanced Sustainable Systems
- N. Garcia de Albeniz et al. Chemical etching-induced nanoroughness enhances cell response and antibacterial activity on zirconia. Journal of the European Ceramic Society
- S. Colombi et al. Free-standing, flexible and conformable bilayered polymeric nanomembranes modified with gold nanomaterials as electronic skin sensors. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
- J. García-Torres. Fabrication and Characterization of Flexible Fiber-ShapeSupercapacitors: Learning Basic Concepts of Materials Chemistryand Electrochemistry Applied to Energy Storage. Journal of Chemical Education
- S.A. Razavi et al. Direct Ink Writing of cobalt-zirconia monoliths for catalytic applications: A novel single-step fabrication approach. Journal of the European Ceramic Society