Resultats de la cerca 195 elements coincideixen amb el vostre criteri de cerca Filtra els resultats. Tipus d'element Commuta Carpeta Graella de portlets Directori de bàners Esdeveniment Col·lecció Pàgina Carrusel Fitxer Imatge Bàner Carpeta d'Idioma Independent Notícia Directori de logos peu Carpeta Arrel d'Idioma Nous elements des de Ahir Darrera setmana Darrer mes Algun cop Ordena per rellevància data (més recent primer) alfabèticament Etiquetes papers A. Barba et al. Osteogenesis by foamed and 3D-printed nanostructured calcium phosphate scaffolds: Effect of pore architecture. Acta Biomaterialia Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Barba et al. Osteoinduction by Foamed and 3D-Printed Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds: Effect of Nanostructure and Pore Architecture. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Barba et al. The impact of biomimicry in the design of osteoinductive bone substitutes: nanoscale matters. ACS Appl. Mater Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Brizuela et al. Influence of the Elastic Modulus on the Osseointegration of Dental Implants. Materials Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Brizuela-Velasco et al. Mechanical Characterisation and Biomechanical and Biological Behaviours of Ti-Zr Binary-Alloy Dental Implants. BioMed Research International Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Cirera et al. Biofunctionalization with a TGF-1 Inhibitor Peptide in the Osseointegration of Synthetic Bone Grafts: An In Vivo Study in Beagle Dogs. Materials Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Diez-Escudero et al. Heparinization of Beta Tricalcium Phosphate: Osteoimmunomodulatory Effects. Adv Healthc Mater Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Diez-Escudero et al. High-aspect-ratio nanostructured hydroxyapatite: towards new functionalities for a classical material. Chemical Science Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Espona et al. Unlocking Novel Anticancer Strategies: Bioactive Hydrogels for Local Delivery of Plasma-Derived Oxidants in an In Ovo Cancer Model. Macromolecular Biosciences Ubicat a Portlet Papers A. Espona-Noguera et al. Engineering alginate-based injectable hydrogels combined with bioactive polymers for targeted plasma-derived oxidative stress delivery in osteosarcoma therapy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Ubicat a Portlet Papers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 20 10 elements següents > Subscriviu-vos al canal RSS permanentment actualitzat.