Xavi Solé-Martí, Doctor in Biomedical Engineering

Jul 20, 2023

Dr. Xavi Solé Martí, PhD student at BBT with funding from the ERC APACHE project and FI-Agaur, presented his doctoral thesis on the "Effects of cold atmospheric plasmas on biomaterials: hydrogels and composites with calcium phosphates", co-directed by Dra. Cristina Canal and Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra.

BBT PhD student Xavi Solé-Martí defended his Doctoral Thesis, Effects of cold atmospheric plasmas on biomaterials: hydrogels and composites with calcium phosphates, co-directed by Dra. Cristina Canal and Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra, on July 13th, 2023 at the EEBE.

The thesis tribunal was formed by Dr. Uros Cvelvar (President), Dr. José Manuel García-Torres (Secretary) and Dr. Roberto Vélez (Vocal).

Dr. Solé-Martí was awarded an FI Doctorate Scholarship from Generalitat de Catalunya and, after 4 years of intense research, he successfully obtained his PhD.

In 2022, he carried out a research stay at the Cancer Research Institute Ghent to carry out the project "Effects of cold atmospheric plasma on gelatin-based 3D printed scaffolds" under the supervision of Dr. Lana Van Damme.