Why is entrepreneurship worthwhile? Round table with Maria-Pau Ginebra as speaker

Nov 27, 2023

Last November 24th, on the occasion of Entrepreneurial Women's Day, Xartec Salut organized a round table on the topic "Why is entrepreneurship worthwhile? Keys for starting a business in HealthTech", with the participation of Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra, together with three other scientist women and entrepreneurships.

On the occasion of Entrepreneurial Women's Day, Xartec Salut organized one of its training sessions, in Round Table format: "Why is entrepreneurship worthwhile? Keys for starting a business in Health Technologies". Maria-Pau Ginebra (Mimetis Biomaterials), Elena Muñoz Marrón (Unne), Dani Tost (Virmedex) and Noemí Balà Palasí ((Aortix) were part of the panel of entrepreneurs.

On this occasion, several researchers who were/are successfully making the leap from the laboratory to the business world discussed their experiences, the importance of translating the research carried out into society and gave advice to those attending who wanted to 'undertake a similar adventure.