
The Elaboration of the Data Management Plan for the Engage project, at the III UPC Open Science Conference

MSCA researcher Jordi Guillem was part of the panel at the III UPC Open Science Conference and explained the process followed for the elaboration of the Data Management Plan of his project, Engage .

Data Management Plans (DMPs) are a key element of good data management. A DMP describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by a Horizon 2020 project. As part of making research data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), UE requires it for all projects participating in the extended ORD pilot, unless they opt out of the pilot. However, projects that opt out are still encouraged to submit a DMP on a voluntary basis.

Dr. Jordi Guillem decided to participate in the ORD pilot and was one of the first researchers at UPC preparing a Data Management Plan.

Today, he has participated in the III Jornada UPC de Ciència Oberta to explain his process in creating a DMP for his MSCA project, ENGAGE, and give some reccomendation to fellow researchers.