Summer of Congresses for BBT
Sep 13, 2019
During the summer season, several BBT members have presented their work at the XVI ECERS 2019 Conference, the ISPC 24 Symposium, the VII Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia y II Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, el 11th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, the 11th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, the TERMIS-EU Workshop: 3D Bioprinting in Cancer Research, EUROMAT 2019, the 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials ESB 2019 and the Euro PM2019 Congress & Exhibition.
During the summer season, several members of BBT have presented their work in numerous European conferences and workshops, through oral communications, poster and invited talks.
Among others, the following works have been presented:
- C. Canal. Potential of hydrogels and liquids in plasma therapy of osteosarcoma. Keynote lecture: ISPC 24, 24th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Napoli (Italy), June 9-14th 2019.
- J. Konka, M. Espanol, M.P. Ginebra. Maturation of biomimetic hydroxyapatite in cell culture medium. Oral communication: XVI EcerS Conference, Torino (Italy), June 16th-20th 2019.
- D. Torres-Garrido, J.A. Calero, J.M. Manero, E. Rupérez. Desarrollo y optimización del proceso de extrusión 3D de pastas para la fabricación de estructuras porosas de titanio. Oral communication: VII Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia y II Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Madrid (Spain), June 24-26th, 2019.
- L.C. Córdoba, C. García-Mintegui, M.P. Ginebra, M. Pegueroles. 3D-printed Zn-based bioabsorbable stents: a new paradigm in personalized coronary artery disease treatment. Poster communication: 11th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, Alicante (Spain), August 25-30th, 2019.
- C. Canal, J. Tornin, X. Soler, M. Mateu. Cold atmospheric plasma: a novel promising therapy for osteosarcoma. Invited lecture: TERMIS-EU WORKSHOP – 3D Bioprinting in Cancer Research. 26-27 August 2019, Nantes (France).
- M. Espanol, J.M. Sadowska, C. Lafferrenderie, M.P. Ginebra. Antibacterial properties of nanostructured calcium phosphates. Highlight Oral communication: EUROMAT 2019, Stockholm (Sweden), 1-5 September 2019.
- J. Minguela, S. Slawik, L. Llanes, M.P. Ginebra, F. Mücklich, C. Mas-Moruno, J.J. Roa. Grinding/polishing of dental yttria-doped zirconia. Fine tuning mechanical, degradation and biological properties via microstructural changes. Oral communication: EUROMAT 2019, Stockholm (Sweden), 1-5 September 2019.
- J. Minguela, S. Suárez, K. Aristizabal, L. Llanes, M.P. Ginebra, F. Mücklich, C. Mas-Moruno, J.J. Roa, Femtosecond laser interference patterning on dental zirconia. Poster communication: EUROMAT 2019, Stockholm (Sweden), 1-5 September 2019.
- M.P. Ginebra. Bioinspired strategies for bone regeneration: a teamwork. Invited Talk – Klaas de Groot Award: ESB2019, 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Dresden (Germany), September 9-13th, 2019.
- M. Bonany, M. Español, Z. Zhao, M.P. Ginebra. Understanding the cytotoxicity of doped hydorxyapatite nanoparticles on osteosarcoma cells. Oral communication: ESB2019, 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Dresden (Germany), September 9-13th, 2019.
- O. Hakimi, F. Curi, D. Repchevski, J. L. Gelpi, M.P. Ginebra. Creating a curation pipeline for biocompatibility data of experimental scaffolds and implants from the scientific literature - towards an open-access database of biomaterials. Oral communication: ESB2019, 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Dresden (Germany), September 9-13th, 2019.
- M.P. Ginebra, A. Barba, A. Diez-Escudero, M. Espanol, C. Ohman-Magi, C. Persson, M.C. Manzanares, J. Franch. In vivo degradation, osteoinduction and osteogenesis of biomimetic hydroxyapatite: Effect of nanostructure and carbonate substitution. Poster Communication: ESB2019, 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Dresden (Germany), September 9-13th, 2019.
- D. Torres-Garrido, J.A. Calero, J.M. Manero, E. Rupérez. Development and optimization of the 3D pulp extrusion process for the manufacture of porous titanium structures. Oral communication: Euro PM2019 Congress & Exhibition, Maastricht (Netherlands), October 13-16th, 2019.