Prof. Xavier Gil, Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad de la Habana

Mar 16, 2018

Prof. Xavier Gil Mur, member of the BBT Research Group and Grand Rector of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, named Doctor Honoris Causa by the Unviersdidad de La Havana.

Prof. Xavier Gil has been named Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad de la Habana during the inaugural session of the VII Congreso Internacional de Biomateriales, Biomat 2018, which took place on March 14th in the University's Aula Magna.

Both the Biomat2018 Congress (March 14-16) and the previous International Course on Biomaterials (12-14 March) that preceded have been organized by Centro de Biomateriales de Cuba (Biomat), Cátedra Unesco de Biomateriales de la Universidad de La Habana, Grupo Latinoamericano de Aplicaciones e Investigaciones Clínicas en Biomateriales (GLAICB) and Grupo de Biomateriales del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros (CSIC, Spain).

During the Inaugural Session of the Biomat2018, the condition of Guest Professor was also given to Prof. Rui Reis, Universidade do Minho (Portugal) and Prof. James Kirkpatrick, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germany).