Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra becomes the new President of the AQU Research Assessment Committee

May 08, 2023

Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra has been nominated as new President of the Research Assessment Committee by AQU Catalunya's Government Council.

AQU Catalunya's Government Council has nominated Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra, at the proposal of the Minister of Research and Universities (Generalitat de Catalunya), as new President of the Research Assessment Committee at AQU Catalunya.

Previous to becoming President of the Research Assessment Committee, Prof. Ginebra was President of the Appeals Committee at AQU Catalunya for 8 years.

The Research Assessment Committee(CAR) has competencies in assessing and issuing research and advanced research accreditations, evaluatiating  the activity carried out by the researchers, and the individual merits of research of the teaching and research staff, civil servants and contractors, among others.