Prof. Ashraf F Ayoub and Dr. Sahba Mobini visit BBT's laboratories
Mar 05, 2019
Prof. Ashraf F Ayoub (University of Glasgow, UK) and Dr.Sahba Mobini (CSIC), invited researchers by the BBT at its facilities at Diagonal Besòs Campus, where they took the opportunity to offer two talks to the members of the research group.
Prof. Ashraf F Ayoub (University of Glasgow, UK) is currently The Glasgow lead of the Scottish Craniofacial Research Group, leading a research group to study facial deformities using recent advances in 3D imaging. Prof. Ayoub is the lead surgeon of a team which includes orthodontics, technologists, psychologist, computer scientists and statistician to investigate facial malformations to study the utilisation of the recent advances of bone bioengineering for maxillofacial reconstruction.
Prof. Ayoub offered a talk on “Bone Bioengineering: from the lab to the patients”, speaking about the challenges in tissue engineering and bone regeneration from the clinical point of view.
Dr. Sahba Mobini is a Postdoctoral Researcher (MSCA-IF) at Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, IMN-CNM, CSIC (Spain). Her main research focuses on designing and engineering systems to mimic cell microenvironment features to guide cellular processes and regenerative responses. She has been studying the role of ES in tissue regeneration since 2014 and has since then developed an electro-bioreactor system to deliver the required electrical field to the cells in 2D or 3D culture to study therapeutic ES. Currently she is investigating the application of ES for controlling regenerative responses of the cells and developing therapeutic products, protocols, as well as diagnostic ex-vivo models.
Dr. Mobini gave a talk on “Electrical stimulation for tissue regeneration” to all BBT members.