PlasTHER, a new COST Action coordinated by BBT, explores possibilities for bringing Plasma Medicine to patients

Mar 14, 2022

Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasma (PlasTHER) is a COST Action project that sets a collaborative network of specialists designed to coordinate European activity in the plasma medicine field, and promotes the development of a coherent European research programme. This pluri-disciplinary network, coordinated by Dr. Cristina Canal, integrates experts in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and medical doctors from 24 countries, coming from various sectors in academia, businesses, and healthcare.

Plasma medicine is an interdisciplinary innovative field that includes physics, chemistry, engineering, and life sciences. Applications of cold plasmas have been studied in disinfection, wound healing, and cancer treatment, by combining clinical medicine and bioengineering with the final aim to use Cold Atmospheric Plasmas (CAPs) in the clinics for human and veterinary therapeutic applications.
Despite scientific and technological progress in the medical field, the treatments available are still not completely effective concerning the fight against cancer, tissue regeneration and repair or drug-resistant pathogens, including newly emerging infections.

It is in this context that COST Action Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasma (PlasTHER) has been set, as a a collaborative pluri-disciplinary network of specialists, coordinated by Dr. Cristina Canal, from 24 countries and coming from various sectors in academia, businesses, and healthcare.

PlasTHER COST Action aims at establishing a synergistic network that articulates researchers, the medical community, industry, or patient associations, among others, and coordinate the European activity in this domain to foster the leadership of Europe in emerging field of plasma medicine.
To do so, four axes have been set, focusing on the basic scientific fundamentals, as well in
the application and translation of the therapy.

Days ago, the network released its brand-new website and social networks, which reflect the objectives of PlasTHER on exploring the potential of cold atmospheric plasmas in novel medical and biomedical applications.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks, to help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond, and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field. COST Actions are bottom-up networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers.