Members of the BBT disseminate their research in Conferences and Symposiums
Oct 29, 2018
Several members of BBT have attended Conferences and Symposiums held Barcelona and Madrid during the months of September and October.
During the months of September and October, several BBT staff members and PhD students attended National and International Conferences and Symposiums, held in Barcelona and Madrid.
On the one hand, two papers were presented at the 11th IBEC Annual Symposium, an event that brings together high-level international experts in an open forum for interdisciplinary discussions and the creation of research networks:
Ll. Oliver-Cervelló, M.-P. Ginebra, C. Mas-Moruno. The synergy of RGD and BMP-2 mimetic peptide improves mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and osteogenic differentiation (Project MIMESIS - MINECO, Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno).
M. Mateu, J. Tornín, M.-P. Ginebra, C. Canal. Cold Atmospheric Plasma activated Ringer's solution reduces cell viability on human osteosarcoma cells (Project ERC APACHE, Dr. Cristina Canal).
On the other hand, we collaborated with an oral communication and another in poster format at the XLI Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales SIBB, which this year held several workshops of Printing and 3D Bioimpression in the area of Biomedicine and Biomaterials, a big novelty:
Ll. Oliver-Cervelló, M.-P. Ginebra, C. Mas-Moruno. Multifunctional peptide platform to study the synergy of bioactive peptides in cell response (ProjecteMIMESIS - MINECO, Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno).
M. Punset, J. Guillem-Martí, M. Ortiz-Hernández, D. Rodriguez, A. Lousa, Raül Bonet, Jordi Òrrit, J. Caro, E. Rupérez. Estudio de recubrimientos avanzados de carbono amorfo (DLC) para aplicaciones biomédicas (Project BIOPLASMA - MINECO, Dr. Elisa Rupérez).
Moreover, Dr. Maria-Pau Ginebra, offered a Keynote Lecture on “Biomimetic calcium phosphates: tailoring biomaterial properties for bone regeneration”.
Finally, there were many attending and participating researchers at the V Hispano-Luso Congress of Ceramics and Glass / LVI National Congress of the SECV, a unique opportunity to promote relations between the academic and industrial sectors of the ceramic and glass sectors in Spain and Portugal, and foster the active participation of young researchers.
Dr. Maria-Pau Ginebra was responsible for organizing the Thematic Symposium on Ceramics and Glasses for Medical Applications.
Yago Raymond, who is completing his Industrial Doctorate under the supervision of Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra (BBT) and the company Mimetis Biomaterials, taught the Lesson III: 3D-printed patient-specific bone graft substitutes: Industrial flow chain, a course consisting of five tutorials, a course where the students had the opportunity to get in touch with the latest advances in 2D and 3D printing for ceramics and glass: S. Raymond, A. Chinea, Y. Maazouz, M.-P. Geneva. 3D printed CaP patient-specific bone graft substitutes: Industrial flow chain.
Finally, the following oral communicacions were presented:
M. Espanol, M.Bonany, M.Alcaina, Z.Zhitong, M.P. Ginebra. Understanding the cytotoxicity of hydroxyapatite doped nanoparticles on osteosarcoma cells (Project PORE4BONE - MINECO, Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra).
J.M. Sadowska, J. Guillem-Marti, M. Espanol, C. Stähli, N. Döbelin, M.P. Ginebra. In vitro cell response to biomimetic calcium deficient hydroxyapatite: concerns and challenges (Project PORE4BONE - MINECO, Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra).
J.Minguela, A. García, L.Llanes, M.P.Ginebra, C.Mas-Moruno, J.J.Roa. Grinding of biomedical yttria-doped zirconia as a surface finishing technique: microstructural, mechanical and biological characterization (Project MIMESIS - MINECO, Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno).
J. Konka, S. Raymond, Y. Maazouz, M.P. Ginebra. Development of biomimetic hydroxyapatite bone grafts by 3D direct ink writing (Project MAXIBONE - H2020, Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra).