I am a PhD, now what?

Apr 08, 2024

On March 7th, took place the conference "I am a PhD, now what?", organized by BBT, and aimed at PhD students and young postdocs, with the intention of giving a global vision of professional opportunities once they have finished their doctoral studies, from the point of view of professionals in different work areas.

"And I am a PhD, now what" was a workshop where former BBT PhD students, now professionals at industry and academia, gave their vision on the exciting world of professional possibilities after the doctorate, sharing their experience with a focus on the areas of HealthTech and Biomaterials.

The session was opened by Dr. Anna Díez, María Zambrano Fellow at BBT, who explained the pros and cons of pursuing an academic career, a professional option full of obstacles and very competitive, for people who love knowledge and science.

She was followed by Dr. Martin Koch, a great showman who dazzled the audience with a presentation on personal and professional growth in different fields such as research, design, teaching or data processing for the public sector. Martin especially emphasized the importance of cultivating personal and professional relationships throughout life.

Subsequently, Dr. Sebastián Idelsohn communicated a clear message: you have to lose your fear of trying, because the worst that can happen is that you don't like it, and this is not that bad. You must learn from each experience and let yourself go to the next.

Later, Dr. Mar Bonany highlighted the importance of making your own professional decisions, regardless of the opinions or expectations of others, although it may be difficult a priori. If you are clear about where you want to go professionally, do what is necessary (Masters, courses, internships...) to achieve it, it does not matter what degrees you have if they are not appropriate.

Finally, Dr. Claudia García-Mintegui offered a presentation on working in the industrial sector and the importance of translating acquired skills into a more accessible format for potential employers.

Noelia Aparicio, organizer of the workshop, closed the session with a summary of common ideas discussed during the afternoon: the importance of listening to ourselves, analyzing our interests and desires, and working in that direction, as well as the need to have a network of friends and co-workers, and constantly cultivate our relationships. Finally, the courage to change direction or continue exactly in the same direction, depending on what we need at each moment.

The event had the support of the UPC Doctoral Office.