Dr. Pierre Layrolle and Dra.Sandra Van Vlierberghe visit the BBT

Oct 05, 2018

Dr. Pierre Layrolle (INSERM, University of Nantes) and Dr. Sandra Van Vlierberghe (Universiteit Gent) visited the BBT facilities in EEBE, and gave talks to the members of the research group.

Dr. Pierre Layrolle (INSERM, Univeristé de Nantes, France), a regular collaborator with the BBT in European projects, visited the laboratories of the research group last April. During his stay, he was able to discover the new facilities of the Campus Diagonal Besòs, as well as offer a talk on "3D bioprinting of bone tumors and reconstruction", to all members of the BBT

On the other hand, Dr. Sandra Van Vlierberghe (Universiteit Gent, Bèlgica) visited the facilities of the BBT in EEBE and was able to strengthen her scientific collaboration with Dr. Pegueroles. During her visit in early October, Prof. Van Vlierberghe was invited to give a talk for all members of the research group on "Synthesis of biompolymers for biomedical applications".