Dr. Marta Pegueroles, Deputy Director of Promotion and Students at EEBE
Mar 21, 2019
Dr. Marta Pegueroles, member of the BBT research group, new Deputy Director of Promotion and Students at the Barcelona Est Engineering School (EEBE) of UPC.
Dr. Marta Pegueroles Neyra, Associate Professor and member of the BBT research group, was appointed Deputy Director of Promotion and Students at the School of Engineering East Barcelona (EEBE) of the UPC, replacing the now Vicerector for Social Responsibility and Equality, Dr. Gemma Fargas.
From now on, Professor Pegueroles will have to combine her teaching work as a professor of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at EEBE and ETSEIB, with the research activities carried out within the BBT and those of the Office of Promotion and Students at EEBE.
Together with Dr. Marta Pegueroles, under the direction of the Professor of the Department. of Chemistry, Adriana Farran, the executive team of the EEBE welcomes Professor Vega Pérez Gracia, as Deputy Director of Business and Professional Associations, and Muriel Botey Cumella, as Deputy Director of Quality.