Dr. Joanna Sadowska attends COST Action AMiCI event
Mar 07, 2019
Dr. Joanna M Sadowska, PostDoctoral Fellow at BBT, attends the Workshop for Early Career Investigators (ECIs) and the Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM), organized by COST Action AMiCI: Innovative coating solutions to prevent infectious diseases.
Dr. Joanna M. Sadowska attended the Workshop for Early Career Investigators (ECIS) and Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) this week, organized through the COST Action Friends: Innovative coating solutions to prevent Infectious Diseases.
The BBT researcher traveled to Riga (Latvia) to present her work "The Impact of Microstructural Features of Synthetic Bone Grafts on Their Antimicrobial Properties", J.M Sadowska, C. Lafferranderie, M. Espanol, M.P. Ginebra.
The main objective of AMICI is to evaluate the impact of (introducing) AntiMicrobial Coatings in healthcare on the spread of infections and on the efficacy in fighting HealthCare Associated Infections and bacterial resistance to current antibiotics.
COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe.
COST funds pan-European, bottom-up networks of scientists and researchers across all science and technology fields. These networks, called ‘COST Actions’, promote international coordination of nationally-funded research.