"Biomaterials for the medicine of the future", inaugural conference of the Dra. Maria Pau Ginebra at FEMSTEM of the UdG
Apr 08, 2019
The Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra, Director of BBT, offered the first talk of a series of conferences programmed within the FEMSTEM project (UdG): "Biomaterials for the medicine of the future".
On March 22nd took place the first of the talks programmed in the Conference cycle FEMSTEM, by Universitat de Girona. The inaugural conference focused on "Biomaterials for the medicine of the future", by Dr. Maria Pau Ginebra Molins, Full Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering (CMEM, UPC) and Director of the BBT research group, at EEBE.
FEMSTEM is a project to accompany and disseminate science, technology, engineering and architecture to increase the percentage of girls in degrees of these fields, promoting gender diversity in engineering and technology.
According to the promoters of the project, "the main objective (...) is to support and accompany those girls interested in the fields of training of the Polytechnic College of the UdG, doing a program of mentoring, and to spread these fields to pre-university and primary students ". Therefore, the project is framed within the STEMCat Plan of the Generalitat of Catalonia, grouping the efforts and concerns of the driving associations and the collaborating entities.