Dr. Anna Díez-Escudero
Assistant Professoranna.diez-escudero[at]upc.edu (0034) 93 403 78 34 |
Short Bio
Anna Diez-Escudero (Barcelona 1984) holds a technical degree in Industrial Chemistry, and a master in Materials Science and Engineering. In 2017, she graduated with cum laude and international mention with the thesis ‘Tunning the biological performance of calcium phosphates through physical and chemical modifications’, awarded as best doctoral thesis in the Industrial Engineering field by UPC.
During her career, she has performed several external stays in Germany, Italy and Sweden, focusing in the synthesis and characterization of macroporous calcium phosphates and their biological evaluation and inflammatory response.
Her postdoctoral career started in Uppsala Universitet (2017), developing composite materials through 3D printing for bone regeneration and their mechanical and biological evaluation. Later on, she moved to Surgical Sciences department at Akademiska Uppsala Hospital, focusing on the biological evaluation of additively manufactured porous metals in a clinical setting, and the evaluation of metallic coatings to tackle periprosthetic joint infections.
Later, she was awarded a Maria Zambrano fellowship (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) at UPC, where she focused on the development of biomorphic models through 3D printing based on calcium phosphates to improve their biological integration, modulate their inflammatory response and minimize infection risks through their structural and chemical properties.
Currently, she is Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UPC.