Base 3D
The emerging BASE·3D group, coordinated by CIM UPC, is a group of research centers created to promote research, technological development and innovation in 3D Printing, in order to increase the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of various lines of additive manufacturing research, with a global investment of around € 3.7 million.
To do this, 4 projects have been promoted:
- LIGHT3D: Laser and other Light Technologies, led by LEITAT.
- FUSE3D: Technologies for material deposition, led by HSJD.
- INK3D: Technologies for the deposition of continuous inks, led by the UPC's BBT research group.
- HYBRI3D: Technologies for multimaterial hybridization, led by CIM UPC.

This project is co-financed by the Europeu Regional Development Fund (FEDER).