Jobs Share: Jobs Jobs Euraxess PostDoc Fellow BBT Job Offer Doctoral Position in Advanced Metallic Biomaterials and Functionalization Research Assistant for the promotion of the technology transfer activity of the BBT group Laboratory technician in biology 1. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Design Antimicrobial Bioceramics.pdf 2. PREDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Design Antimicrobial Bioceramics.pdf 3. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Characterization Bacteria-Surface Interactions.pdf 4. PREDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Characterization Bacteria-Surface Interactions.pdf 5. Microbiology Laboratory Technician.pdf PostDoc SmartGel oferta-postdoc TaperMesh.pdf Predoctoral researcher_Plasma4KidsCancer.pdf Contratación_Investigo_Oferta.pdf Job_Offer_TAPERMESH.pdf PhD_Researcher_novel_recombinant_proteins.pdf